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5 Most Recent Public Pages
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1. What is the Start Page Randomizer?
2. How does it work?
3. How do I use it?
4. What is the difference between public and private links?
5. How do page categories work?
6. Why are my pages marked as uncategorized?
7. Why can't I decide the category of my own pages?
8. Why does my page have to be checked by an administrator?
9. Why does my page have to be viewed by an administrator and categorized for public display if I made it private?
10. A page I added has been incorrectly categorized! What can I do?
11. What is "Unsuitable Content"?
12. Where can I see a list of all the pages in a category?
13. How do I stop using the Randomizer?
14. I have an account and I've added some links, but I never get redirected. What's going on?
15. Why do my private pages have comments associated with them?
16. What do the bombs mean?
17. What is the Work-Safe filter? And how do I enable/disable it?

When enabled, the Work-Safe filter will prevent certain websites from being selected during randomization. This can be useful if your workplace has strict internet usage policies and you do not wish to be seen browsing certain types of websites...

Note that the Work-Safe filter is ON by default, and you must explicitly disable it to see all pages. When the filter is disabled, a cookie is stored on your computer, so that the next time you request a random page, the Randomizer knows to filter the available sites. If the cookie cannot be found, then Work-Safe mode is automatically re-enabled.

By setting a cookie on the workstation itself, you can have different settings for your home and work computers. For example, you can enable the Work-Safe filter on your company PC, but disable it at home, while still keeping the same set of categories in your profile.

18. How does the rating system work?